Eyes care
eyes are most important organ in our body everyone should get their eyes examined regularly it will helps to protect right here are some ways to get good eye health
Food for good eye health-
Other ways for eyes care-
Here are some ways for computer users-
Food for good eye health-
green vegetables,nuts,beans,vegetables such as spinach,oranges and other fruits or juices helps to give nutrients vitamin c,e they will make eyes healthy.
Other ways for eyes care-
dip a cotton pad in water overnight strain it in morning and add some water to this splash eyes with this water.
mix 2 or 3 drops of castor oil with rose water and dip a cotton wool in it soak it and place on the eyelids for 15 to 20 minutes eye burns will be reduced.
Eye care for computer workers-
if you are a computer professional you have to work long hours on computer it causes many eyes problems.
look at a distant away object and blink several times after ever 20 to 30 minutes of work exercise your eyes at frequent intervals for exercise just blink several times then close your eyes and role them in clockwise and anti clockwise direction ,inhale and exhale while doing that and open eyes slowly after doing this.