Use of blackberry for face

Blackberry is a delicious fruit it is a great source of nutrients these nutrients are healthy and helpful to moisturize and hydrate skin.

Mask from blackberry- mix one teaspoon of honey in some blackberry juice apply it on your face and neck leave it for some time rinse it after it will dry completely, this will helpful for hydrate skin and supply nutrients also.

Moisturizing face mask-take some blackberries, grid them with their fruit blend it in fresh yogurt,1/2 lemon  juice and a pinch of nutmeg powder apply this mask on your face and neck leave it for 20 or 25 minutes than rinse it from lukewarm water this will make helpful to make skin smooth and moisturize.

Cleanser from blackberry-mix 2 tablespoon of fuller's earth with 2 tablespoon of blackberry juice,make a thick paste, apply this mixture on your face leave it for 2 minutes than rinse it you can also use few drops of tea tree oil in it for acne treatment, this cleanser is beneficial for oily skin.


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