Hands care in winter

winter season brings vibrant colors but In addition to vibrant colors, winters call for dryness, flaky skin,dehydrated and tired look. To overcome these winter side effects and to keep your look best all we need to take care of our hands, feet, skin and health here i am going to share that how can we take care of our hands-
How To Take Care Of Your Hands In Winters-
The first, most thing is to invest in a good hand cream or moisturizer if you have normal or oily skin you
 should go for the moisturizer that is for dry skin. That will take care of dryness and prepare your hands
for colder conditions, because you never know when the temperature is going to plummet.

While you are working at office or wherever you are always keep moisturizer in your handbag, and keep
applying it at frequent intervals especially after you wash your hands. For ladies who do house works, keep the moisturizer because it's necessary to keep your hands moisturize in this winter season.

Before going to bed give 5 – 10 minutes to your hands by Using a hand cream, you should massage your hands properly and cover them with gloves.

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